The Requesters

There are four requesters in the program: <#128#>-- <#128#> The color requester. With it both the colors of the ShowDVI<#129#><#129#> screen can be altered. The ``about'' requester. With it you can get to the copyright notice on one hand, and to a short help on the keyboard commands on the other hand. The file requester and the program-end requester.

The color requester consists of seven gadgets. The upper two are for the selection of the color, which should be changed. Beneath these two, there are three sliding-regulators, with which the individual color components (red, green and blue) can be adjusted. With the <#130#>OK<#130#>-gadget, below on the left, a new color set can be accepted then, or with the <#131#>CANCEL<#131#>-gadget the requester can be left without changes in the colors. To call the color requester press either AMIGA-<#132#>c<#132#> or select the menu entry <#133#>change color<#133#> in the submenu <#134#>outfit<#134#>.

The ``about''-requester should be read at least once, and a conclusion should be drawn. Should you want to read a small help set on the keyboard commands, then you should select the <#135#>HELP<#135#> button below on the right. You can leave the requester in any case when selecting the double lined <#136#>OK<#136#> button. You can call the ``about''-requester either with the <#137#>HELP<#137#> key or with the upper menu entry <#138#>anout<#138#>.

To be able to work with the file requester, you need the ``arp.library''. The use of the requester is quite easy: To choose a file, either click on it twice, or just once and then select the <#139#>OK<#139#> button. To change the directory, either click on it, select the button <#140#>DRIVES<#140#> or the button <#141#>PARENT<#141#>. Only files with the ending ``.dvi'' and directories are displayed by the way. The file requester is called either with AMIGA-<#142#>o<#142#> or with the menu entry <#143#>load new file<#143#> in the submenu <#144#>load DVI<#144#>.

Lastly, the program-end requester comes always then, when you want to leave the program. With <#146#>YES<#146#> you end the program definitely and with <#147#>Oh, No!<#147#> you can resume your work.